Location & directions

How to get to the popular attraction in St. Johann

You can reach the Liechtenstein Gorge directly by car, there are four parking spaces available on site. There are parking spaces for bus groups too.

Are you travelling by public transport? No problem, the Citybus in St. Johann takes you to the Plankenau district, from there it's just a 30-minute walk to the entrance to the gorge.

Arriving by car

St. Johann in Salzburg is about 40 minutes by car south of the city of Salzburg. You can reach us via the A10 Tauern motorway, exit Knoten Pongau, then take the B311-Pinzgau main road via Bischofshofen for about 5 kilometres to St. Johann. In St. Johann take the Knoten Süd exit in the direction of Grossarltal and follow the signs for approx. 4 km to the Liechtenstein Gorge.

Address Liechtenstein Gorge

Liechtensteinklammstrasse 123
5600 St. Johann im Pongau

Arriving by public transport

From the centre of St. Johann you can reach the Liechtenstein Gorge on the free Citybus (line 52). From the penultimate (Plankenauwirt) or last (Glückauf) bus stop, from there it's a comfortable 30-40 minute walk to the entrance of the gorge. From the train station take the Citybus (line 51) and change at the post office to the Citybus (line 52). Please note: Citybus runs Monday to Friday and Saturday mornings!